Fostering close college & parent relationships
The College is eager to foster a close relationship with parents; it regards its work as an extension of theirs. The objectives of the College cannot be achieved without the sympathetic and sustained co-operation of parents. In the areas of character formation, moral training and education in the Faith, a close liaison between home and school helps greatly in the transmission of those values common to both. A good home-school partnership will help the student to be happy at home, happy in school and happy in himself.
The Presentation Brothers College Parents Council
Is a partnership/voice forum for parents and students to interact with the School.
Works with the Principal, Staff, Students Council and Board of Management to build effective home/school partnerships.
Provides a voice for parents on issues that are important to them and their children and communicates with the School about such issues.
Supports the School in its development and improvement.
Provides parent input into the development and review of School Policies and Procedures, including the School Strategic Development Plan and Code of Behaviour.
Assists the School when requested, with programmes such as the Drug Awareness Programme; Transition Year interviews.
Arranges speakers to speak with parents on relevant topics, such as parenting issues, gambling and consent.
Provides opportunities for social interaction and communication between parents at open meetings of the Parents Council and other events.
Engages with the School and the Department of Education and Skills in Whole School Evaluations (WSE) or as required.
Links with the Principal and Teacher Representative at the monthly Parents Council meetings for updates on School activities/news and events.
Chairperson and Secretary meet with the Board of Management once per term to discuss relevant issues and reports back to the Parents Council.
Parents Council Meetings 2022/2023
The following are the dates of Parents Council Meetings: which normally run from 7.30 p.m. to 9.00 p.m.
If you wish to bring something to the attention of the Council please contact a member of the council (listed below).
Contact email address for the Parents Council is
Parents Council Committee Members