Presentation Brothers College

Parents Council


Fostering close college & parent relationships

The College is eager to foster a close relationship with parents; it regards its work as an extension of theirs. The objectives of the College cannot be achieved without the sympathetic and sustained co-operation of parents. In the areas of character formation, moral training and education in the Faith, a close liaison between home and school helps greatly in the transmission of those values common to both. A good home-school partnership will help the student to be happy at home, happy in school and happy in himself.

The Presentation Brothers College Parents Council

  • Is a partnership/voice forum for parents and students to interact with the School.

  • Works with the Principal, Staff, Students Council and Board of Management to build effective home/school partnerships.

  • Provides a voice for parents on issues that are important to them and their children and communicates with the School about such issues.

  • Supports the School in its development and improvement.

  • Provides parent input into the development and review of School Policies and Procedures, including the School Strategic Development Plan and Code of Behaviour.

  • Assists the School when requested, with programmes such as the Drug Awareness Programme; Transition Year interviews.

  • Arranges speakers to speak with parents on relevant topics, such as parenting issues, gambling and consent.

  • Provides opportunities for social interaction and communication between parents at open meetings of the Parents Council and other events.

  • Engages with the School and the Department of Education and Skills in Whole School Evaluations (WSE) or as required.

  • Links with the Principal and Teacher Representative at the monthly Parents Council meetings for updates on School activities/news and events.

  • Chairperson and Secretary meet with the Board of Management once per term to discuss relevant issues and reports back to the Parents Council.

Parents Council Meetings 2022/2023

The following are the dates of Parents Council Meetings: which normally run from 7.30 p.m. to 9.00 p.m.


If you wish to bring something to the attention of the Council please contact a member of the council (listed below).
Contact email address for the Parents Council is 

Parents Council Committee Members

  • TBC

  • TBC

  • TBC

  • TBC