Presentation Brothers College

Parents Information 2024/2025


Information at your fingertips


School Uniform

Rugby gear 2024/25

All items available to purchase on Easy Payments Plus

PBC news & events logo.png

PE uniform

The PE uniform is now compulsory for all Students.

PBC Cork Rugby Schedule 2022-23

Rugby schedule 2024/25

Pupil Protector Insurance

Policy Number - C240166.
Details of the claim process: claim process information. A non-interactive version of the claim form is available here.

Book Lists

Please note that, unfortunately, our Students will not benefit from the incoming Government Free Junior Cycle School Books Scheme, due to our fee-paying status.

Opening Schedule

Please see our opening schedule using the link below.

Holidays & PTM Schedule 2024/25

Please find the Holiday schedule using the link below.