Origins, Mission & Values
The College was founded by the Presentation Brothers in 1878, in the South Mall. Soon afterwards it moved to the Grand Parade and, in 1887, to the Western Road. The present complex, which includes the best of modern facilities, was completed in 1985. The College continues to foster an educational tradition of excellence in which the Catholic ethos is central. It is a College under the Trusteeship of Presentation Brothers Schools Trust (PBST)
Rich heritage
The College was founded by the Presentation Brothers in 1878, in the South Mall. Soon afterwards it moved to the Grand Parade and, in 1887, to the Western Road. The present complex, which includes the best of modern facilities, was completed in 1985. The College continues to foster an educational tradition of excellence in which the Catholic ethos is central. It is a College under the Trusteeship of Presentation Brothers Schools Trust (PBST)
A clear purpose
The purpose of the College is to assist and co-operate with parents in preparing young people for life. The desired goal is that each student will mature, emotionally, intellectually and socially, into a well-integrated, self-confident, competent, Christian person who is committed to the service of God and of his fellow man.
Strong values
The atmosphere of the College is a family one, based upon respect for the person. The discipline maintained aims at helping in character formation and it is concerned especially with the development of a correct attitude to freedom and responsibility. Good human relations in a community foster self-esteem in the individual. Respect for the unique worth of each individual is promoted; sincerity, openness and trust are encouraged.
Our Defining Characteristics
A Trusted Leadership Team
In this short video, featuring highlights of the school and introductions by Principal David Barry and students, you will find out about the school, its ethos, what makes PBC such a high achieving school and what it means to be a Pres' boy.
Our Mission Statement:
Presentation College is a Catholic school founded by the Presentation Brothers. It is a Christian community of students, staff, parents and management with a strong tradition of family loyalty. The characteristics of this school community are Respect, Care, Tolerance, Compassion and Justice. The College believes in a positive approach to discipline. Students are guided and encouraged to accept responsibility for their own behaviour. The College values academic excellence and offers a curriculum which best meets the needs of the students within the context of available resources. Our wish is to enable the release of the God-given talents and potential within each student. We follow a six-year cycle. The education offered includes the development of confidence and a healthy self-image. Therefore, skills and competencies necessary for life are promoted and actively encouraged, as are sports, culture and leisure-time activities. As a Catholic school in the Presentation tradition, religious education has a central place in the life of Presentation College. There is a social dimension to the education offered by the College. The College has for generations actively supported the mission of our founders, the Presentation Brothers, whose primary role has been to provide education for the less privileged here in Ireland and, indeed, in many parts of the developing world. Over the years, the mission of the Presentation Brothers has expanded beyond education to embrace many different aspects of community development - though its primary focus remains rooted in social justice and the formation of Christ in the young. The College continues to be a major supporter of the Presentation mission both financially and spiritually and retains strong associations with the congregation in Ireland and abroad. Parents and students who wish to learn more about the Presentation Brothers and about the many ways in which the College supports the congregation’s mission are invited to speak to the Principal and other staff members who have a particular interest in this area. We seek to develop in our students an awareness of their social responsibility as Christians which expresses itself in positive action for justice and the poor in our society. It is hoped that our students will look on their years in Presentation College as happy and fulfilling and will continue the strong tradition of loyalty to the College.
Our Approach:
Moral training and character formation require that an aptitude of mind and heart be developed in each student which will enable him to live an upright, Christian life in whatever circumstances he may find himself. A healthy religious atmosphere is essential to this delicate work. The college seeks to create this atmosphere with its emphasis on Christian living, religious education and liturgical and devotional practices.
The atmosphere of the College is a family one, based upon respect for the person. The discipline maintained aims at helping in character formation and it is concerned especially with the development of a correct attitude to freedom and responsibility. Good human relations in a community foster self-esteem in the individual. Respect for the unique worth of each individual is promoted; sincerity, openness and trust are encouraged. Hence, the atmosphere of the College, and the quality of the relationships formed there are seen as some of the more important formative influences at work in the school.
Since it caters for very competitive University Scholarship and Entrance requirements, the curriculum 'mix' is organised so as to help the student understand himself better and to enable him to choose goals appropriate to himself in the whole range and quality of his life. Every effort is made to promote self-confidence and initiative among the pupils. They are guided in coming to terms with peer pressure and with their own developing personalities.
While remaining loyal to a rich tradition of academic excellence, the College places considerable emphasis on cultural influences. Aesthetic education is provided for but is not confined to an appreciation of Art, Music and Drama; it also includes politeness, manner of speaking and dress and that refinement which reveals itself in the courtesies of day-to-day living. Hence, all students are required to maintain a high standard of conduct as a condition of their remaining in the College.
Code of Behaviour:
Fundamental Principles
Presentation Brothers expects all the members of the College community to behave with dignity and to treat each other with courtesy and respect. Each student is expected to respect the authority of staff at all times, including during school-related activities.
Presentation College respects the right of each student to study and work in an environment which is secure, happy and conductive to learning. Students should not deny that right to fellow students.
At no time should a student's behaviour bring the College into disrepute.
The rules and regulations help to foster and maintain the college community spirit. Presentation College expects all members of the College community to respect and upload these rules and regulations.
Dress Code:
Full College uniform must be worn during school hours, on school-related activities and on formal occasions. The uniform consists of
College Blazer
Mid-grey Trousers
White Shirt
College Tie
College Pullover (optional)
Conventional Black Shoes
Coats and jackets may not be substituted for the Blazer.
Students are expected to be neat, tidy and well groomed. Dyed hair is not allowed.
Earrings, chains, bracelets and facial jewelry may not be worn in school or at any public school occasion.
These rules apply during House Examinations as well as normal school days.
Students are expected to behave with courtesy and good manners towards College staff and fellow students.
The College does not tolerate bullying in any form.
When the teacher is not in class, students shall remain seated at their desks.
During breaks, students are expected to behave in an orderly manner and obey instructions from staff and prefects.
Students should cultivate a sense of responsibility towards their own property. They should treat College property and that of their fellow students with respect.
Rules pertaining to the library are posted at the entrance to the library. Silence is of paramount importance in the library.
Camera phones are not allowed in School. Other mobile phones are to be switched off within the College grounds. In an emergency, permission to use the phone may be sought from a teacher. Breach of this regulation will lead to the phone being confiscated. It will be returned to Parent/Guardian but not to the student himself. The Student will be allowed ring his Parent/Guardian to say that the phone has been confiscated.
Harassment and Discrimination:
Presentation College is committed to the maintenance of a social environment in which all members of the College community, irrespective of sex, religion, colour or ethnic origin can participate in all activities free from any form of harassment or discrimination of any nature whatsover.
All students are obliged to respect the rights of others and to uphold the College's commitment on harassment and discrimination at all times.
Students shall not infringe on the rights of others by engaging in any conduct which causes harassment or discrimination.
The following is intended to give a broad outline of what is meant by 'Harassment':
Any behaviour, deliberate or otherwise, directed at an individual or a group, that is offensive or objectionable, and which creates an intimidatory , hostile or offensive environment.
When an individual or group of individuals is subject to unwanted or unprovoked attention.
It can include verbal or written comments, graffiti and gestures, and can extend to physical abuse.
Whatever the intent, harassment has a direct and disturbing effect on the person who is the target of this behaviour.
Discrimation is when an action is taken which inappropiately differentiates between individuals or groups of individuals on grounds of race, nationality, sex, sexual orientation, religion, disability, age and class.
Students are expected to attend classes punctually on all of the days on which the College is open.
Students may not leave the College grounds during school hours without the special permission of the Principal or Deputy Principal.
Courtesy demands that absence from class be explained by means of a note from parent/guardian to Principal or Deputy Principal. There are pages in the Student Journal specifically for this purpose.
A student should not leave the classroom without permission of a teacher. Except in special circumstances, permission to leave the room duringclass time is not granted.
Safety, Health and Hygiene:
Bins and wastepaper baskets are provided for litter, and should be used. Littering and disfigurement of the College premises, indoors and outside, is not acceptable.
Students must never, under any circumstances, descend to the river.
The Café, its immediate surrounds and the yard, are appropriate places for eating. Students may not eat in classrooms or corridors.
Smoking is not permitted within the College and its grounds. The prohibition on smoking extends to the vicinity of the College. Breach of this regulation carries automatic suspension from the College.
Students who drive to school are expected to exercise extreme caution and to drive courteously. The College does not provide car-parking facilities for students.
The College provides two student entrances/exits and in the interests of safety students should use these and these only.
Only those toilets that may be accessed from the yard may be used during breaks.
During breaks, access to the library or staff room is by the library staircase only. All other corridors must be vacated.